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5 Budget Savvy Ways to Encourage College Students to Practice Self-Care

Oct 9, 2020 | Parents, Professors

As a parent, The Student Caring Project knows parents naturally want to care for their kids. So when it comes time to send them off to college, you may be worried about how to ensure they are taking care of themselves. After all, the stress of breaking out on their own and attending classes can be a lot to handle. Make sure your college students are prepared with these low-cost self-care tips.

Help Them Eat Well at School

You may have already purchased some essentials for your college student, including a backpack, self-defense tools and a high quality laptop, and having these basics can help them avoid some stress. If you still have some room in your budget, however, think about picking up a few healthy cooking essentials to help them prepare nutritious meals and snacks at school. You’d be surprised to see what sort of recipe young adults can whip up using only a microwave, which can come in handy whether your student is still at home or moving into the dorms.

Pick Up Some Supplements

It’s a good idea for your kids to get most of their nutrition from foods, but this isn’t always possible when they’re juggling a busy class schedule. So in addition to buying a microwave and some easy-to-prepare foods for your college students, also think about picking up some vitamins and supplements. Now you may be thinking that you have to spend a fortune to stock up on vitamins for your college-aged children, but Vitacost coupons can help you avoid putting a major dent in your budget.

Wondering which supplements to buy? Well if you’re worried about your kid being stressed about school or other things, using those coupons and promo code to pick up calming vitamins like D and some probiotics could be a safe bet.

Encourage Regular Exercise

As Harvard Health Publishing explains, exercise can be a perfect way to unwind. So when your older kids are feeling extra stressed, encourage them to get outside for a brisk walk or run. Engaging in aerobic activities will help stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the chemicals responsible for mitigating feelings of stress, depression and anxiety.

And for those times when your student can’t get outside? Think about providing them with a list of free online workout classes. They can stream workouts right into their dorms or your home and get the stress-relieving benefits of exercise for free.

Get Them into Relaxing Yoga

When your kids need a quick mood lift, We Know Yoga suggests encouraging them to practice some simple yoga poses. While yoga can be a great form of exercise, the mental health benefits of practicing poses can be even more worthwhile. From the very simple standing forward fold to the slightly more complex dancer or tree poses, anyone should be able to master these stress-reducing moves on their own at home. A focus on the breath is what’s most important.

Now you may need to pick up a yoga mat to help you and your college students practice yoga at home, but you don’t have to swing for one of those $100 mats to reap the benefits of yoga. Honestly, low-cost props will work just as well and will also keep you from stressing out over your budget. After all, yoga shouldn’t cause you additional worry.

Provide Extra Pandemic Support

You and your kids may be feeling more stressed about the COVID-19 crisis. It’s completely normal and expected for students to worry about whether returning to campus is safe or to feel disconnected from their studies. Just try to keep in mind that these are unprecedented times for us all, so be patient as you help your family adjust to all of the new normals.

If any of you need additional support, know that there are free and low-cost mental health resources available online. This includes virtual therapy options and support groups.

Self-care is important for all stages in life, but it’s especially crucial as your children branch out on their own. By encouraging health and wellness habits now, you will help ensure that they continue taking care of themselves in the future. Make self-care a priority for your family.

Turn to The Student Caring Project for helpful advice and resources supporting parents, students and faculty.

Photo Credit: Unsplash