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5 Tips for Succeeding in Business School

Jul 30, 2019 | Special Posts, Students

It’s by far the most popular major in the United States, handing out more degrees than any other field — business, the ancient art and science of relieving other people of their money.

It’s a broad field, comprising management, sales, marketing, finance, economics, accounting and more. With so many disciplines in play, there’s a lot to teach and a lot to study — and plenty of opportunity to get disoriented. Here are five tips for succeeding in business school.


  1. Remember that business school is school.

Sure, you’ll have to do a lot of “networking,” “interning” and maybe “benchmarking,” but remember that business school is still school — like high school, only more so.

A solid academic record is the first pillar of success in business school. You’re going to have to go to class, take notes, study your notes, read books, write papers and pass tests. If you don’t do these things, you’re going to fail. And if you’re going to fail, it’s a waste of your life to go to business school in the first place.


  1. Build relationships.

OK, now we can talk about networking. If you graduate at the top of your class without having established any useful connections to other human beings, then you have just failed business school.

In no other field is it so important to build a solid list of contacts that can help you in the future (and vice versa). Business is not a good field for hermits. Get to know your professors well, and listen to their advice. Seek out professionals in your field who have the experience to give you sound counsel. You could be laying the groundwork for your next job.


  1. If you don’t know where you’re going, you might be lost.

Set goals. Long-term, short-term and medium-term — dream dreams, set goals, establish objectives, make a plan, review it periodically and keep it current.

Figure out what you’re trying to achieve. If you have no destination in mind, you’ll never get there — or if you do, you won’t know it.


  1. Become an expert in at least one thing.

Specialize in something. Find a focus. Maybe you think you can do anything, but you can’t do everything. Choose a specialty where you can succeed.

In today’s complex and dynamic global economy, a general business degree is increasingly seen as having limited value. Choose a specialized degree, and you are likely to earn more money when you graduate.

Establish a broad base of expertise, but don’t lose yourself in the woods. Pick something you really like, because you might be doing it for a long time. But pick something.


  1. Enjoy responsibly.

Did somebody say party? You should go to parties, let your hair down, enjoy yourself and get to know people — lots of people.

In addition to a network of professors and professionals, you’ll need a diverse array of garden-variety friends and allies. Remember that for every friend and contact you have, you are one degree of separation away from his or her friends and contacts.

Plus, you need to have fun and not drive yourself crazy trying to be the perfect student. Don’t burn out while you’re still preparing to launch!

July 30, 2019