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How to Graduate with as Little in Student Loans as Possible

Mar 5, 2019 | Parents, Students

Image from Bigstockphoto

The majority of college graduates start their post-college career in debt due to student loans. The average loan debt is over$37,000. As the cost of tuition rises it’s more important than ever to try to use as little student loans as possible. Here are a few ways that you can reduce the amount of student loans that you use while in college.

  1. Pay Tuition Upfront

The easiest way to lower student loans while in college is to not get any. If you pay your tuition upfront, you can graduate debt free. If you have the money to do this, then it’s a no-brainer, but most people don’t. For many people, paying tuition upfront isn’t always easy to do, especially if you aren’t rich and you don’t have money just laying around.

You could get your parents or other family members to help you, or you could save the money for college before you attend. Even if you don’t have all the money to pay upfront, paying what you can will lower how much you have to borrow. However, a more likely scenario would be to pay as you go, which leads us to tip number two.

  1. Get a Part-time Job

Many students work part-time and some even work full-time while they are in school. The key is to get a job that you can handle while you are in school. One great idea is trading. This can be done anywhere that your laptop can go, so you can trade in your spare time in between classes, or whenever it’s convenient for you. Maverick Trading is a great firm for college students. You can qualify in three simple steps and be on your way to earning up to 80 percent of the profits. In fact, trading is such a great part-time gig that you may even make more than your tuition money.

  1. Attend a School That Has Cheaper Tuition

When it comes to education, you should always aim high. However, sometimes you can only aim as high as your budget will allow. If you attend a college with lower tuition costs, you’ll need less money. This may allow you to pay tuition on your own without student loans. If you still need student loans, you’ll need less of them. There are many inexpensive colleges that are really good schools. You’ll be getting a quality education while reducing your future debt.

  1. Take Extra Classes Per Semester So You Can Graduate Early

Most schools charge you a flat rate when you sign up for a full course load each semester. This means that you could add a class or two without incurring any additional charges. If you do this each semester, you may be able to graduate a semester or two early so you won’t need as much money for school. This would only work if you can dedicate extra time to studying–be sure not to take on more than you can handle.

It’s no secret that going to college can be expensive and that the amount of student loans that are borrowed each year is increasing. By using these four tips you could reduce the amount of student loans you use, or eliminate student loans from your life altogether. You will be able to focus on landing your perfect career after college without stressing about paying bills right away.