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Play-based Learning Positively Impacts Learning And Development- How?

May 20, 2021 | Parents, Professors, Special Posts, Students

A child is naturally curious right from birth. The daily interactions or experiences allow them to learn about the world around them. And most times, these interactions involve play. Even research in developmental psychology suggests that play is the most effective method to develop new social skills, learn new things, and regulate emotions.


That’s how play-based learning approaches are becoming an inherent part of the preschool curriculum. Doing so, they impart the deepest kind of learning by encouraging kids to explore, develop curiosity, and solve problems.


If you are a parent whose anxiety is all time regarding choosing the right school for their kid. Here’s why you should opt for the one that supports play-based learning.


Play-based Learning- Trigger Creative Side of a Child Naturally


Many assume that a frivolous use of the classroom time might demean its value or potential. Contrary to such belief, introducing play-based learning opportunities addresses language and speaking skills while encouraging creativity.


Moreover, play is not an obstruction to academic learning. In fact, purposeful play experiences can trigger a deep understanding of concepts that a child quickly remembers. If you think play-based learning is about putting the kids together with a bunch of toys, you are highly mistaken.


What Does Research Say?


A plethora of research studies concluded that play-based learning is all about positive experiences that trigger a healthy overall development. As per renowned research scientists, humans learn the best when:


  • They take an active role in their learning environment.
  • They can engage themselves.
  • The information is meaningful.
  • They interact with others keeping the social context in place.


To put it simply, it means that kids learn quickly when they are mentally active and engaged. That’s how they can form meaningful connections.


Another research found that a play-based curriculum positively influenced grammar acquisition and improved language ability or skills. To help you understand better, let’s dive a little deeper into gaining insights regarding the benefits of opting for play-based learning approaches.


It Helps to Develop Language And Communication Skills


When interacting with adults and children, a child learns to communicate and listen efficiently. And since in those years, a child’s vocabulary is growing, involving in such activities where they need to communicate naturally boosts their conversational skills.


That’s not all! Even if they participate in any solo activity, they guide themselves through their imagination of that scenario, thereby improving their multiple aspects of the conversation.


It Helps to Develop Strong Motor Skills


Participating in tasks like running, jumping, or throwing helps kids to develop their overall motor skills. Also, opting for activities like climbing and skipping enables them to build their core and synchronized hand-eye coordination. Thus, eventually motivating kids to develop balance. Furthermore, participating in coloring, drawing, or crafting helps to trigger fine motor skills.


Remember, it might project as they are enjoying playing puzzles with friends. But they are developing a passion for learning while engrossing themselves in some real work. Thus, helping with their overall growth and development.


It Helps to Develop Healthy Social and Emotional Habits


Unsurprisingly when children play together, they learn to engage, communicate, and cooperate. This ensures that they feel themselves to be a part of a young community. As a result, such interactions allow them to develop new bonds, which further nurtures social and emotional intelligence.


Various schools that are a part of this form of learning suggest encouraging kids to work on their emotions or scenarios, enabling them to strengthen their ability to communicate and survive the changes around them. For instance, if they play family or doctor, they are imbibing things like sensitivity towards others’ emotions, responsibility, and awareness of different relationships.


Also, various studies confirm that playing also allows kids to relieve their stress. It’s like a therapy that enables them to work on their stress triggers in the best possible way.


It Helps to Trigger Creativity And Imagination


As we mentioned earlier, creativity or imagination is like the hallmark of childhood. But unlike what we presume, kids need to develop these skills. Play-based learning allows them to foster creativity and enables them to navigate through scenarios—real or imaginary.


Whether they enact someone or fly a box plane, they act as problem solvers and demonstrate solutions that creatively come to them. In fact, such imaginary play forms a basis for a healthy childhood. Thus, enabling them to adapt to the changes presented in front of them quickly.


It Helps to Stimulate Critical Thinking Skills


Since a child interacts with everyone around them, they gradually develop ways to become efficient problem solvers. Being a part of activities like planting seeds or helping bandages allows them to see different patterns right in front of them. Thus, it enables them to decode a variety of emotions quickly.


These simple exercises stimulate their critical thinking abilities, which further become a foundation of their problem-solving skills.


Thus, using this learning approach utilizes the environment as a third teacher along with students and teachers. It’s a place where every object or activity has a purpose which adds to their learning experience.


In The End- Choose The One That Impart Education Through Play


As a parent, what do you hope for? It’s simple. You want your child to have a healthy educational experience. Right? While academic scores or an ambitious curriculum might be on your mind when choosing a school for your child, don’t underestimate the benefits of play-based programs.


Research shows that students who start their education using playful learning turn out to be confident, imaginative, and socially aware adults. Undoubtedly, such adults are beneficial for communities.


It goes without saying that a symbolic representation is a critical aspect of a child’s education. While playing, children learn to organize, construct, manipulate, explore, or create different elements. Thus, it promotes the holistic development of a child.


All in all, play-based learning facilitates a healthy learning environment that stimulates young minds, which makes them receptive to learning simple and complex scenarios. So, it would be correct to say that you must discern your child’s concrete understanding of different concepts through play-based learning.

May 20, 2021