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Student Worker: is Worth It?

The academic world is extremely heterogeneous. The university classrooms are filled with the most varied types of people. Each one with its own personality and with its way of learning.

How to Help Your College Kid Avoid Burnout

The transition from high school to college is more of a leap than a step, and it can be tough on our kids. With money worries, exam stress and learning to live alone for the first time, it’s no wonder rates of anxiety, depression and stress in young people are on the rise.

How to Stay Healthy While Travelling [Infographic]

It can be difficult to maintain your usual fitness routine while you’re travelling, without access to your favourite healthy restaurant and fitness classes, the motivation can quickly dwindle. Not only that, travelling in general can be a draining experience, the plane journey can be dehydrating and leave you open to catching a cold, while changing time zones can confuse your body’s natural rhythm.

Top Tips for Learning to Drive on a Student Budget

As a student, learning to drive can easily take a massive chunk out of your budget, whether you’re paying with funds from part-time work, using your student loan, or borrowing from your mum and dad. We’ve put together some handy tips to help you spend less when learning to drive.