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Tips For Finding A Job After Graduation

Aug 9, 2019 | Special Posts, Students

Once you graduate from school, you step foot into the ‘real’ world. You have to find a job that will sustain your lifestyle, but you also need to enjoy what you do at work.


There is no point in spending each waking moment dreading the hours that pass. This will lead you to an anxious life, and you won’t be fulfilled. Still, finding a job isn’t easy. Every single employer will want job experience, yet you just graduated. After sending out hundreds of resumes and barely hearing back, you will start to lose hope.


The following tips will help keep you and track and will allow you to find that first job upon graduation.


Look for work in your field

Your first step should be to start looking for work in your field. Don’t underestimate how competitive the job market is, but this shouldn’t deter you from applying and focusing your attention on doing what you want.


Why not outline your career goals, and find an organization whose values align with these? Also, your resume should always be tailored to the company that you want to work for. This will demonstrate to the employer that you read their job posting and that you are serious about wanting to work there.


Volunteer to build experience

Volunteering can help you learn new skills that will benefit your career. On the one hand, you will be working in a team with other volunteers, and this will help you grow your communication skills.


Other skills you will foster include:

  • Public speaking
  • Leadership
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Time management


Of course, you also have an opportunity to give back to the community and offer a lending hand to a cause that you hold dear to your heart.


Learn how to network

Many people get their job due to the networking events that they attend. So long as these events are specific to your field, you will meet a wide array of professionals that are knowledgeable in your field and can help you get hired.


Just remember to always bring business cards with you that have your name and contact information.


Getting help from recruitment consultants

There are companies who specialize in recruitment and can help connect you with the right employer. This eliminates the hours worth of research that you have to do at home, and there are plenty of organizations that offer these services, such as Devonshire recruitment.


It’s worthwhile to get help from a business that has experience in working with companies within your niche. For instance, some offer recruitment consultants for marketing sectors and other creative fields, whereas others might be better suited for finding a job in healthcare.


Keep in mind that you won’t find your job as soon as you graduate. If you are one of the lucky few that this doesn’t apply to, you are not the norm. More often than not, you need persevere, even if the odds seem against you. You will eventually find that perfect employer because you spent the time and effort into searching for them.

August 9, 2019