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Tips to Study at Home During Quarantine

May 11, 2020 | Students

In the wake of COVID-19 where the governments all over the world have shut down schools and colleges, it is a tough time being a student. Millions of students all over the world are struggling to not let their studies be hampered in these circumstances. Even though the advancement of technology allows us to switch to e-learning, nothing can replace classroom teaching. Studying at home can be a little tough. Your parents become your teachers, there are various distractions like TV, video games, mobile phone, etc. It can hamper your scholastic studies in a big way and you might lag behind than your classmates once the school resumes. It takes a toll on your mental health as well. Since it is a waiting game until the circumstances are favourable, you might have to rely on homeschooling for a bit.
Here are some tips to ease into a new routine and make the most out of a bad situation.

Plan your day. Create a schedule which you will stick to. Don’t over-ambitiously put too many activities on your list. Too many things on your plate might lead to spilling. That might discourage or frustrate you. Create space for leisure activities that you enjoy like watching a movie, playing a game, etc. When you look forward to doing something you get motivated to complete the previous tasks as early as possible.

Studying at home can become boring after some time. Try to change your location of where you work. If you are working in your room, try to study in your living room, or in your balcony. On the other hand, try to create an ideal workstation for yourself by adding things that will motivate you or things you like. Putting up a timetable, motivational quotes, adding a plant, sitting on a comfortable chair, adequate lighting, all these factors play an important role in changing your mood while studying.

– The importance of eating right cannot be stressed enough.
What you eat not just affects your body but your moods as well. Heavy foods or fried foods will make you sleepy and your body feels heavier and lethargic. Include nourishing foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, soya, etc. in your diet. Also, keep yourself hydrated. Drink simple plain water or add mint and lemon to it. Water boosts productivity, makes your mood better, and refreshes you at the same time.

– With eating right comes keeping your body active and fit.
Exercise for at least 15 minutes daily. Do yoga, skipping, or simple exercises to keep your body and brain active throughout the day. These intervals are essential for the brain to assimilate, retrieve information and revive the energy, making you ready for the next sessions.

– Online Classes. The greatest advantage of technology is that many coaching institutes like FIITJEE are now offering online classes. There are so many online programs one can choose from. This helps students focus on one subject area at a time and excel at it. A student who is preparing for competitive exams can make the best of this situation since the classes will eventually continue into offline mode and no time will be lost.  It is a respite for many many aspirants truly who were dreading wasting their precious time. All this will build a strong base for the students while offering regular doubt clearing sessions.

– Practice as much as possible. Another truly brilliant thing technology gave is the opportunity to practice questions and evaluate yourself with the click of a button. You will find all sorts of websites offering various previous year’s question paper and subject wise question bank. In fact, many test series are also now available for free online. I will highly recommend this as it is great for practice and self-evaluation. This gives you a chance to realize your strong and weak points and focus on improving those weak areas. You can practice giving exams in time bound situations and improve your speed as well. I hope you understand what is best for you during this time. Choose wisely.

Revise whatever you are studying. Revision is important as your brain only can retain so much. You might forget much of what you had studied a week ago. Therefore, it is important that every day after you are done with the day’s learnings, allot some time to go through what you have studied the whole day. Highlight things that seem important. Write notes in margins. These small tools will help whenever you go back to brush up on those topics.

Following down a rabbit hole is easy during difficult times, however, with discipline you can achieve so much and more. Being in tough situations doesn’t mean that you give up on things. Stay positive and keep being productive.

Author:  Tanya Sharma
An Engineer in making. Just looking for ways to motivate and encourage students like me.