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Understand This! I Love Mathematics Because Of The Strategy I Was Taught With

Jun 10, 2021 | Parents, Professors, Special Posts, Students

Why is it always so difficult to understand mathematics? Do you think the teachers or the students are questionable?

Whatever your answer, there is a solution for the math-wearied!

Mathematics is a great subject, and it is so important that the world revolves around it. From the numbers in the calendar month to the use of currency to express value, numbers have always been there, and numbers make up mathematics. So, the importance of learning and understanding Mathematics honestly can never be over-emphasized.

Let us assume everybody is not getting it right somewhere and they all need a complete overhaul of their strategies in teaching and learning, especially when it comes to the young ones. It is important to pay very apt attention to how young children are taught. Because once they can see the beauty in mathematics at that young age, then the sky is the limit from there. They cultivate the love and affinity towards the subject and it just gets easier to grasp more complex concepts as they progress.

There are many systems people have invented all in a bid to try and teach others the peculiar subject of mathematics in a way that is easy to understand. There are many ways to help you if you are also struggling with understanding concepts and ideas in this field.

If you are able to apply some, most, or all of these points, then I can assure you that you will begin to see the light clearly. Not just you, but your children may also just be able to have the tools that will make their time with mathematics enjoyable. 

Do these and give them a chance to win. 

Prepare Your Mind

Learning Mathematics is just like learning every other thing in life; it takes intention and dedication. Believe it or not, most people have been unable to understand and learn mathematics properly because of the fear of this subject. They keep wondering how to learn mathematics but they never go prepared in their mind to understand and learn. So, they are never able to get anything the teacher says.

It’s like going to a driving course as a learner while typing on your phone. Guess what, you will definitely crash. Why? Because you are not yet an expert!

This is what a lot of students want to do. They just want to waltz through the class, undedicated, and expect to understand fully. It doesn’t work like that.

If you want to learn mathematics and enjoy it too, you need to bring your mind to it.

Start Early

Starting early in anything is sometimes the difference. It is definitely very helpful if you begin understanding basic mathematical concepts and rules from a very tender age. You need to know that teaching mathematics in early childhood is the way to go. This is why it is advisable to start letting your kids test the waters and understand the power of this beautiful tool.

Let them begin to interact with numbers and the concept of basic arithmetic from their young age. Honestly, mathematics doesn’t have to be that complex for humans.

Make intentional efforts about their learning. Make them learn it in a way and condition that is pleasant. This will make them love to learn mathematics because their minds have now associated it with a good and pleasant feeling. This is a psychological tool you can employ.

Use A Learning Strategy That Works

There are indeed different methods and strategies for learning Mathematics. You need to know which is going to be most effective for your students if you are a teacher, or which ones will be best for your child if you are a parent. 

There are techniques that have been proven to get results and turn this so-called nightmare of learning mathematics into a whole new experience for students. One of the most effective ways to learn mathematics is using the Singapore math system in these explanatory Singapore math videos. It’s a really viable model that helps children learn and grasp concepts by teaching them through three stages.

The first is the “concrete” stage, then the “pictorial”, and finally, the “abstract”. This is really a very effective method people use all over the world. See some of these videos to give you a better understanding of the whole system.

Not only is this method reasonable as compared to other strategies but it is also enjoyable for students because they get to interact through the process.

Get A Proper Tutor

Sometimes, the lessons you get at school are just not enough. You don’t necessarily need to have a bad teacher, but the time factor may be the limitation for you. When this is the case, a solid, verified tutor is the best alternative.

Most tutors have a lot of experience already teaching children of all age brackets and understand how to apply knowledge gradually to mold a mind. They are experts, and not only know their craft but also how to administer it; these are two different things.

You’ve Got To Practice

Of course, they say, “Practice makes perfect”; definitely true. Well, very few are blessed with the ability to just perform magic on mathematics without practicing.

If you find out you don’t have this kind of superpower, then practice is the remedy. You need to practice every day. You need to always keep it fresh in your mind, so when it’s time to perform, you are ready. This is how it works with almost everything.

It Can Be Done!

Learning mathematics may have been a bit of a challenge for you, but it doesn’t have to be for your kids. It is not enough to put them in the best schools sometimes. And honestly, how many of us can afford those really good schools?

Sometimes, you might just need a tutor that will help them bring the whole world back together and make sense of everything.

Mathematics can be fun, but it could also be a disaster and an enemy if it is not tackled the right way. Make time for it, and give it your best to produce the results you want to see.

June 10, 2021