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Why do Teeth need to be extracted?

Sep 6, 2021 | Parents, Professors, Special Posts, Students

Our teeth play a vital role in aiding us to perform our daily essential function of chewing or biting food. At times sudden events, or diseases may weaken the tooth to such an extent where it may not be possible to nurture it back to normalcy. An accident, trauma, dental abscess are some reasons that may weaken natural teeth.

Your dentist will examine your teeth visually or take an x-ray to determine if the natural tooth can be saved using restorative procedures. Good oral hygiene can go a long way in preventing the onset of tooth or gum infections that may require the natural tooth to be extracted and a dentist who removes teeth can also do a  wisdom tooth removal Calgary.

Your wisdom teeth, also known as the molars, are 4 in number and often erupt between ages 15 to 25. Due to them erupting at a later stage in your life (they are the last set of molars to erupt), either all or a few of them may only partially erupt from your gums. If they do not fully erupt and remain stuck between your gums or bone tissue, they become susceptible to tooth cavities or caries. Such teeth are termed impacted teeth and may need to be surgically extracted. An extraction may be a simple extraction where the impacted tooth is extracted using a pair of pliers or a surgical extraction where an incision needs to be made in your gums to remove the impacted tooth.

Since the wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to erupt in your mouth, they may often need to be extracted at some stage in your life. When the wisdom teeth begin to erupt, often there is very little space in your gums for the wisdom teeth to erupt and may lead to them becoming misaligned and grind with the other tooth causing pain or discomfort. If this is the case, please look for a nearby dentist by searching for wisdom tooth removal Calgary.

A specialized radiograph of the jaw is needed to assess the condition of the wisdom teeth and determine if extraction is required. If you suffer from dental anxiety, please mention this to your dentist before they begin the extraction. Your dentist will then offer you sedation that will greatly reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

An individual should observe the following precautions immediately after tooth extraction: –

1)      Keep the head straight for some time.

2)      Maintaining constant pressure on the gauze placed over the area from where the tooth was extracted till the blood clots.

3)      Reduce strenuous activity or physical exertion.

4)      Place an ice pack over the affected area to control the swelling.

5)      Drink lots of water.

6)      Rinse the mouth with salt water 2 days after the extraction took place.

7)      Eat foods that are rich in protein and avoid foods that require vigorous chewing.

Tooth extraction is a simple procedure and should be done as soon as you experience discomfort. Please look for wisdom tooth removal Calgary to find a dentist near you.
September 6, 2021